Il 25 ° Congresso Europeo di Psichiatria (EPA 2017) faciliterà l'apprendimento, la discussione e lo scambio tra gli psichiatri europei e internazionali insieme con i leader delle organizzazioni di parti interessate nel campo della salute mentale. Guidati dal motto "Insieme per la salute mentale", una particolare attenzione del Congresso EPA sarà il dialogo tra neuroscienze e delle scienze sociali, nel contesto di un congresso psichiatria, superando la tradizionale separazione tra i domini della biologia e delle relazioni umane, che ha ingannati per troppo tempo la nostra professione e l'opinione pubblica. Unitevi a noi a Firenze il 01-04 Aprile al 2017.
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The EPA 2017 Scientific Programme will be composed of five tracks:
*Note: programme is subject to change
Research Track – is composed of sessions with a focus on current research trends in Psychiatry.
Clinical / Therapeutic Track – offers participants updated, state-of-the-art, clinical and therapeutic information which is based on research and linked to daily practice.
Educational Track – provides an update on developments in the field and the opportunity for exchange of ideas between participants and speakers.
Mental Health Policy Track – deals with principles and models for action aimed to promote mental health.
European Track – deals with common issues for psychiatrists from across Europe and will therefore be of particular interest for members of the National Psychiatric Associations.
Within each track, some sessions are part of the European Early Career Psychiatrists' Programme (EECPP) which invites recent graduates to participate and which is tailored to the needs of the Early Career Psychiatrist.
The Scientific Programme will consist of the following:
EPA Courses
The European Congress of Psychiatry will serve the educational mission of the EPA by providing high-quality EPA Courses, covering all aspects of psychiatry. Fees are charged separately for the courses. Click here
State-of-the-Art Lectures
The state-of-the-art lectures will have a strong clinical focus. They will provide a complete update on some significant aspects of current clinical treatments in European psychiatry. The state-of-the-art lectures will be delivered by top European or worldwide experts and will last 45 minutes. Click here
Plenary Lectures
The plenary lectures will have a strong scientific focus. They will be mainly theoretical and research-oriented. These lectures will be delivered by leading psychiatrists, basic scientists and other mental health professionals invited by the Scientific Programme Committee. They will cover the major topics of the Congress theme. Click here
Pro & Con Debates
Debates will offer a lively and fruitful discussion on controversial issues. A chairperson will moderate whilst two speakers (proponent /opponent) will offer and challenge opinions on “hot topics”. Click here
These 90 minute sessions, selected by the Scientific Programme Committee, will focus on specific topics in psychiatry, representing several points of view. The symposia include four presentations by international speakers and offer an opportunity for discussion. Click here
The Workshops will be devoted to a specific topic and bring together experts in this field for an intensive discussion. These will be 90 minute working sessions. At least 50% of the time will be devoted to discussion. Click here
European Early Career Psychiatrists Programme
EPA invites recent graduates to its specialist programme tailored to the needs and
interests of the Early Career Psychiatrist. The EECP programme will be composed
of a networking evening and a special track of sessions throughout the Congress. Click here
Ask the Expert Sessions
Ask the Experts sessions will allow participants to meet in a small group with outstanding
researchers and clinicians. The format is designed to facilitate informal discussions, allowing
participants to present their questions and gain new perspectives. Sessions will take place
at round tables and be limited to a certain number of participants with advanced sign up
EPA Forum
Following the success of the first two EPA Forums at the European Congress of Psychiatry in 2015 in Vienna and in 2016 in Madrid this new event for exchange and awareness is to be featured at each annual EPA Congress. It brings together EPA Council of National Society/Association (NPA) members and EPA Individual members, along with other European NPAs and European organisations, stakeholders and policy makers, to present and discuss matters of European importance in the field of Mental Health and Mental Health Care.
Free Comunications Sessions
Authors are invited to submit abstracts, classified by topics. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Programme Committee and scheduled as oral or poster presentations.
Authors are invited to present their new research findings or important ongoing research as e-posters related to one of the given topics. There is a limitation concerning the number of e-posters submitted per individual.
Sponsored Sessions
Satellite Symposia and Luncheon Satellite Symposia will be organised by pharmaceutical companies in consultation with the Scientific Programme Committee. These sessions are fully integrated into the congress, but are sessions entirely designed, produced and driven by the pharmaceutical industries by an unrestricted educational grant.